Thursday 30 October 2014

WHO ARE THEY? - Author Monique

Every Year on the 7th day of the 7th month a group of ladies wearing, bright pink suits and light pink high heels would parade across the town. No one knew who they were or what they were doing. In the little town of Marshwall, America, there was only a majority of people who lived there, 59 people to be exact. They were all boring people. They had boring jobs, boring houses, and boring hobbies. They did everything that they possibly could in a boring way. But there was one girl who lived in Marshwall that did the total opposite of ordinary Marshwallians. 

Her name was ‘Evelyn Smith’. She had long blond hair and large blue eyes. Her long eyelashes flushed with excitement. But there was only one thing that made her different, this thing was very clear to everyone. The reason she was so different was because she hated boring and she hated doing boring things. She wanted to explore and investigate, but there was nothing worth exploring in Marshwall. There was never anything to do here.

One bright and early morning Evelyn was helping her mother prune the bushes and weed the grass when she noticed the lovely ladies and decided that this was worth investigating. She wondered who they were and what they were doing here in Marshwall. Evelyn eyed them with suspicion and grabbed her mother’s sleeve. “Yes dear? What’s wrong?” replied Evelyn’s mother. “Mumma, who are those ladies?” She pointed towards the fourteen ladies crowding around the town square.

“Well dear, no one really knows who they are. They just come and go every year. They mind their own business and we mind “I just want to know if their business is worth exploring”

Her mother stared at her shocked to hear such a thing. “Evelyn that isn’t a very nice thing to do” She knew it was wrong but she was so curious she couldn’t bear leaving it alone. She figured that if she left bright and early in the morning she could go and explore the ladies and be back before her mother knew she was gone.

Evelyn then realised she needed an excuse if her mother did find out she was gone. Carefully picking up the phone and making sure no one was listening she dialled her grandma’s number. BRING! BRING! “Hello Granny! It’s Evelyn I just want ask you if you could tell mamma I was with you.” “Why Evelyn? What are you going to do? I hope it isn’t dangerous” “No grandmama, I’m just exploring” Evelyn slightly lied. “Hmm, I suppose so, but if only you come back in one piece. I don’t think it’s safe to do so but just this once” “Thanks Granny!” Evelyn quickly hung up and smiled happily to herself. Evelyn’s grandmother always understood. When she was young she used to go exploring as well. I guess Evelyn inherited those genes from her grandmother.

The next morning, Evelyn readied herself and quickly sprung at the door at an alarming time, 3am. She crept out quietly and headed towards the Town Square. She was sure they would be spotted here first because usually the Pink ladies are seen here early in the morning. She hid behind a large, silver statue and awaited the ladies. It was too early in the morning and there was no sight of them. Evelyn yawned and stood up ready to leave. RUSTLE! RUSTLE! Evelyn quickly ducked behind the statue and watched the ladies shuffle by. Evelyn stood up and slowly crept up behind them, following eagerly making sure to stay out of sight.

She crept as silent as a cheetah ready to pounce on lunch. They came to a clearing covered aggressively by large pine trees, the ladies stopped and gave a slight peek behind their backs. One lady with a yellow sash pulled out a kind-of stick. It was white and covered with specks of gold dust. The other ladies did the same revealing their own personalised stick, they all muttered something but they were too far away for Evelyn to hear. Then all of a sudden a misty fog magically appeared and a secret door revealed itself. Evelyn stood there awestruck, ‘How did they do that?’ she thought.

They all marched inside followed close by Evelyn. A nervous expression fell upon Evelyn’s face. “What if they were witches? Nah they couldn’t be, but then how did they do that? I have a feeling they are witches, but are they good or bad?” Evelyn bit her bottom lip nervously.

Evelyn could hear rumbling and rattling above her. She was walking under some sort of tunnel. The tunnel was perfectly carved out of sandstone and was lit brightly with gas lanterns. The rumbling and rattling continued above her. Evelyn was curious as to where they were. As they continued down the tunnel a large sign stuck out from the wall. It was quite dark even though the there were gas lanterns but she could barely read the sign. She edged closer and could make out the words Marshwall and station. Then it struck her, she was under the Marshwall train station. It was a long trip of walking but after a while the tunnel started to get brighter and warmer.

Evelyn continued to follow them. They twisted through this tunnel and so did Evelyn, they twisted through that tunnel and so did Evelyn. They came to a small stone room but it was empty, it was a dead end. She stopped at the entrance before they could see her. She hear some murmuring and whispering, SWOOSH! ‘What was that?’ she thought. She peeked inside to find an astonishing sight.

The witches had disappeared. This explained her theory. They had to be witches. Something was suspicious about those ladies and Evelyn was going to find out. She eyed the room one last time and noticed in the whole entire room there was only one rock, it may have seemed ordinary but to Evelyn that seemed worth investigating. She picked up the small rock and shifted it around her hands. It felt light and hollow, Evelyn could feel a tiny slot. Moving her finger across it, she slid opened a panel and could touch a small button. She pressed down hard and the wall slid the the side.

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